You will be requested to register and provide your personal details in order to make purchases through this website. It will be necessary to provide your real name, phone number, e-mail address and other requested information as indicated. When ordering items, you will be required to provide payment details that are both valid and correct. You also confirm that you are the person referred to in the Billing information provided.
We must receive payment in full for your order before it can be accepted. Please refer to our privacy policy for further information on the processing of your personal data.
Payments can be made by credit card, debit card, or through PayPal, with processing courtesy of Apple pay Klarna, our secure payment method. Payment will be debited and cleared from your account upon ordering from Umthi. You must confirm that the credit/debit card being used is yours, or that you have been specifically authorised by the owner of the credit/debit card to use it. We will not be liable for any delay or non-delivery if the issuer of your payment card refuses to authorise payment to Umthi.
We take all reasonable measures to ensure the security of our website. This includes the processing of all credit card transactions using Wix, Paypal or Klarna secure online payment gateways, ensuring the encryption of card details and hosting in a secure environment. We do not store any credit card details on our system. These details will be fully encrypted and only used to process those card transactions which you have initiated.
All prices shown on our website are quoted in British Sterling (£) and inclusive of UK sales tax (VAT). The current rate of VAT is 20%.
Non-EU customers are responsible for Import Duty/Tax in their respective countries. Unfortunately, we cannot advise you what these costs will be - please consult your local customs duty specialist.
We will deliver the goods in accordance with the delivery option selected by you during the order process. See the shipping section of the site. Any delivery timescales quoted to you are indicative only. Orders may be delivered in one or more parts. We make every effort to deliver goods within the estimated dispatch timescales. However, delays are occasionally inevitable due to unforeseen factors. We are under no liability for any delay or failure to deliver products within estimated timescales caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control. However, we will issue a refund for any orders that aren’t fulfilled within a maximum of 30 days. We do not accept any liability whatsoever for delayed delivery caused by any third party within the 30-day period.
The selection and arrangement of designs, text and graphics on this website are the copyright of Umthi or its content providers. Permission is granted to users to electronically copy or print portions of this site for their own personal, non-commercial use. Any other use of materials on this site without Umthi’s prior written consent is strictly prohibited. By submitting content to this site, you automatically grant Umthi the royalty-free, non- exclusive right and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate and distribute said content (in whole or in part) worldwide and/or to incorporate it in other works in any form, media or technology now known or hereafter developed for the full term of any copyright that may exist in such content.